Today's "Markism"
On this one I think I got away with very lightly!
In office and a "pee-break" beckoned...
Went in, and unusually for me (another story, another time) I decided to pee standing up.. (Like I said, another story, another time!)
So there I was,
trousers undone,
proverbial "appendage" in hand,
whistling a merry tune, when the airfreshener that we have in there (one of those battery powered, self timing spray ones) decided it had seen enough if my bits and did its "PSSSSSSST!" At me,
Now... When I say ME what I mean is that this "weapon of mass destruction" is on a shelf, at "appendage" height, and was aimed directly at me...
Thankfully, it didn't spray me enough to have been an agonising inconvenience,
However, it meant I've gone all the remainder of the day smelling of rose petals in my nether regions...
thankfully, it didn't spray me enough to have been Molton acid!
(Hence, got off lightly!)